Best quotes by Haley Bennett on People

Checkout quotes by Haley Bennett on People

  • I think that, a lot of times in Hollywood pictures, the reality, the messy reality of women's lives - it's avoided, because I think people are just afraid of it. There's a standard that women are set to, to try to keep everybody comfortable.
    - Haley Bennett
  • I think to try to understand human behavior and why people do what they do, and what in their lives have shaped them and impacted them to be who they are, it's something. I mean, that's my entire life.
    - Haley Bennett
  • I'm very happy with the choices I've been making and the people I've been working with. I hope I can continue along this path.
    - Haley Bennett
  • I always wanted to do things on my own terms, and unfortunately in this industry, that's not something that is easily given. You're at the mercy of other people, but then you still have that drive to continue on. That's an equation for a lot of heartbreak.
    - Haley Bennett
  • You typically find stereotypical female characters that are people pleasers, where they are wives and girlfriends, typically, who are in the background.
    - Haley Bennett
  • Movies are really hard to make. You put a lot of work into them, and you want people to see them.
    - Haley Bennett