Best quotes by S. Truett Cathy on Business

Checkout quotes by S. Truett Cathy on Business

  • I'd be resentful if shareholders who don't know the business tried to tell me what to do.
    - S. Truett Cathy
  • I see no conflict whatsoever between Christianity and good business practices. People say you can't mix business with religion. I say there's no other way.
    - S. Truett Cathy
  • If a man can't manage his own life, he can't manage a business.
    - S. Truett Cathy
  • You don't have to be a Christian to work at Chick-fil-A, but we ask you to base your business on biblical principles because they work.
    - S. Truett Cathy
  • Our decision to close on Sunday was our way of honoring God and of directing our attention to things that mattered more than our business.
    - S. Truett Cathy