Best quotes by R. A. Salvatore on Me

Checkout quotes by R. A. Salvatore on Me

  • I've always been a fighter. If you tell me I can't, I'll die trying to prove you wrong.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • Things don't really impress me. Memories impress me. It's not the toys, it's the people.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • In the past, TSR and now Wizards of the Coast have asked me to do game stats for my characters, and I'm never comfortable doing that. It's all relative after all.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • I loved to read and to write, but then something happened. As I made my way through school, I kept getting handed books to read that didn't excite me and didn't even remotely connect to the realities of my life.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • I never intended to be a professional writer; as the story developed, the one thing I had in my hopes was that this would be something tangible to separate me from the nameless, numbered masses.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • Definitely they write themselves. It's an amazing experience. It's like the characters have come alive and are sitting on my shoulder talking to me, telling me their tales.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • Writing a book for me, I expect, is very similar to the experience of reading the book for my readers.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • I don't often know exactly what's coming next, and that makes it more fun. And you know, for me, this entire genre is all about that; it's all about having fun and getting away from the mundane world for just a little while.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • I didn't and don't go to Internet for any business purposes. The book sales for me by this point are way beyond any influence I might have, positively, or others might have, negatively.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • Here's the thing, for me at least: this is a huge genre now. It wasn't always so. Not so many years ago, it wasn't so. There is a tremendous diversity in fantasy today.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • That's the whole point of writing to me - I put my characters under incredible duress, and from that comes their truth. In a way, I'm using them to try to find my own answers in life.
    - R. A. Salvatore
  • You have to understand that while I pre-plot the meta story of a given book, I often have no idea of what will happen on the next page, let alone the next chapter. That's what makes it fun for me; I write the books the same way many people read them.
    - R. A. Salvatore