Best quotes by Calum Scott on Myself

Checkout quotes by Calum Scott on Myself

  • I find myself in a position where I have a voice that has the potential to influence - I want to use that to inspire confidence in those that have yet to find it, to inspire compassion in those who don't understand, but most importantly, to inspire love in everyone through the experiences and stories that we can all relate to or empathize with.
    - Calum Scott
  • I was so terrified for so long about what people think about my sexuality, and I didn't wanna find myself in a position where I was losing my fans and couldn't do my job.
    - Calum Scott
  • If you're real, you've never got anything to hide away from. You're not trying to fake anything, you're not trying to have this other persona - you're just yourself. And if I could be myself for as long as possible, I will.
    - Calum Scott
  • I used to hate myself for being gay. I couldn't come to terms with it.
    - Calum Scott
  • I have worked with a lot of people, all very different creatives, helping me hone my craft and discover myself as an artist and the record I want to make. It's such an amazing process seeing and hearing the tracks that people could eventually be listening to on my debut album!
    - Calum Scott
  • Since I became more confident, I've thought, 'Right, let me get myself on the market'. So I joined Tinder and Chappie, and it was funny because, at first, the sites thought I was an imposter.
    - Calum Scott
  • I don't consider myself a flag bearer in the parade, but I have never felt stronger about who I am.
    - Calum Scott
  • I tried to surround myself with people who have accepted me for being me. And I want to create that image to my fans as well. And that's the advice I give to them. To be happy for who you are, and to surround yourself with people who are happy for being you.
    - Calum Scott