Best quotes by Robert Crumb on World

Checkout quotes by Robert Crumb on World

  • When I come up against the real world, I just vacillate.
    - Robert Crumb
  • I use the old Strathmore vellum surface paper, which is the best paper you can get in the Western world for ink line drawing. It has a good, hard surface.
    - Robert Crumb
  • I felt so painfully isolated that I vowed I would get revenge on the world by becoming a famous cartoonist.
    - Robert Crumb
  • When I was younger, I just lived my life on paper. I didn't really live in the real world very much. As a consequence, I couldn't cope with the real world and real people very well. That in itself became life threatening, so I had to stop drawing so much and learn how to cope with people.
    - Robert Crumb
  • The fine-art world knows very little about the cartoon world.
    - Robert Crumb