Best quotes by Siri Hustvedt on Time

Checkout quotes by Siri Hustvedt on Time

  • My greatest pleasure is spending time with my family: my husband and daughter, but also my mother, my three sisters, and their families.
    - Siri Hustvedt
  • Every time I finish a book, I say to an imaginary god that I do not believe in, 'Please let me live to write another one.'
    - Siri Hustvedt
  • If I have open time, and I'm in Manhattan, I'll just walk to wherever I'm going, even if I could get there faster on the subway. I just love walking the streets of New York.
    - Siri Hustvedt
  • Hysteria is something that I've been interested for a very long time. I thought I might have it, but it seems that it's unlikely.
    - Siri Hustvedt
  • I love the little garden in the back of my family's brownstone in Brooklyn. Digging out there in the dirt is a joy for me, although by the time August rolls around and my roses have black spot, I need the break winter provides.
    - Siri Hustvedt
  • Sigmund Freud was very much a creature of his time. He did not 'invent' the unconscious.
    - Siri Hustvedt
  • Only time will tell in what ways Freud was prescient and in what ways he failed to understand how the mind functions. For example, no scientist and very few psychoanalysts still embrace Freud's death instinct.
    - Siri Hustvedt
  • Every time the DSM prepares for a new edition, there are countless groups lobbying to get their particular mental illness recognized by the diagnostic manual. Surely, this is a social and cultural phenomenon.
    - Siri Hustvedt