Best quotes by Jane Seymour on People

Checkout quotes by Jane Seymour on People

  • You cannot do everything at once, so find people you trust to help you. And don't be afraid to say no.
    - Jane Seymour
  • Get over jet-lag quickly. I think a lot of people waste the first few days sleeping in the wrong time zone. Sometimes I take melatonin but at other times a glass of wine will do it.
    - Jane Seymour
  • I just did a film in which I had to be a dancer and I was able to do all kinds of extraordinary things. A lot of people turn 50 and talk about what they're not going to do anymore. I embarked on something that I'd wanted to do when I was 5.
    - Jane Seymour
  • I find it interesting that 16-year-olds are having plastic surgery. People in their 40s used to think, 'I'm aging, I have to do something about it.' Now children are deciding they don't like the way they look.
    - Jane Seymour
  • The family is inclusive of not just your genetic family, but the people that you meet along the way.
    - Jane Seymour
  • I love doing comedy. Absolutely love it. After 'Wedding Crashers,' people suddenly realized that it was something I could do.
    - Jane Seymour