Best quotes by Peter Agre on Life

Checkout quotes by Peter Agre on Life

  • Johns Hopkins introduced me to two defining events in my life: commitment to biomedical research and meeting my future wife, Mary.
    - Peter Agre
  • While the lab plays an enormous role, research is also influenced by inner peace of mind and one's family environment, depending on what stage of one's life and career a scientist is at.
    - Peter Agre
  • Water is commonly regarded as the 'solvent of life,' since our bodies are 70% water. All other vertebrates, invertebrates, microbes, and plants are also primarily water. The organization of water within biological compartments is fundamental to life, and the aquaporins serve as the plumbing systems for cells.
    - Peter Agre
  • Well, all life forms are dependent upon water.
    - Peter Agre
  • Written in 1895, Alfred Nobel's will endowed prizes for scientific research in chemistry, physics, and medicine. At that time, these fields were narrowly defined, and researchers were often classically trained in only one discipline. In the late 19th century, knowledge of science was not a requisite for success in other walks of life.
    - Peter Agre
  • My wife and I have four children, and none of them are in lab science, so clearly I returned home at night and presented a fairly unattractive example of a scientific life.
    - Peter Agre