Best quotes by Riz Ahmed on People

Checkout quotes by Riz Ahmed on People

  • I'm not trying to project any persona. Often people don't know where to put me. I don't fit comfortably under banners, and that's fine. I'm not worried about not making sense to people. That's probably my best asset.
    - Riz Ahmed
  • My parents, man, they're just the most loving, encouraging... They're like those people who define themselves through their role as parents before people in their own rights.
    - Riz Ahmed
  • No-one gets a job at 16 and stays in it until 60 any more; we're connected to more people simultaneously than ever before, whether online or on our phones. We wear so many different hats within one day, one week, a lifetime.
    - Riz Ahmed
  • I don't feel that any kind of narrow stereotypes are representative of the work I've done, nor the range of the audience that work has found. I've played lots of different roles, and they've connected with lots of different people.
    - Riz Ahmed
  • The music I make and the process of acting, for me, are both about trying to understand people and get inside what makes us tick. That's the main thing that excites me. Our sense of who we really are and what drives us.
    - Riz Ahmed
  • Hollywood is an image. We project these fantasies on to it, but people are just people.
    - Riz Ahmed
  • I never thought acting would be a realistic job for me. Because, quite frankly, I didn't see people who looked like me doing it. I quickly realized, that's all the more reason to try.
    - Riz Ahmed