Best quotes by Joanne Harris on Life

Checkout quotes by Joanne Harris on Life

  • I think everybody has a secret life.
    - Joanne Harris
  • One of the things that writing has taught me is that fiction has a life of its own. Fictional places are sometimes more real than the view from our bedroom window. Fictional people can sometimes become as close to us as our loved ones.
    - Joanne Harris
  • A little tantrum in real life seems so much bigger online.
    - Joanne Harris
  • Some areas of technology really don't interest me at all, but I welcome anything that makes life easier instead of harder.
    - Joanne Harris
  • Writing books and being paid for it - it's not like winning the Lottery. You can't suddenly go, 'Yippee!' and start throwing tenners in the air. I've done pretty well out of it, but certainly not enough to say, 'Right, that's me set up for life.'
    - Joanne Harris
  • When I write, I'm constantly putting myself in the position of someone else as I write using myriad voices; I think that's a life skill all people should learn.
    - Joanne Harris