Best quotes by Joe Sacco on People

Checkout quotes by Joe Sacco on People

  • It's a visual world and people respond to visuals.
    - Joe Sacco
  • I'd rather go to a place and spend a couple of months, get to know it, get to know the people.
    - Joe Sacco
  • When I was there, something clicked in my head; I found myself interviewing people, searching out facts and figures. Later on I became much more self-conscious of what I was doing.
    - Joe Sacco
  • My guide had a copy of Palestine on my last trip to Gaza. He'd bring it out and show people what I was trying to do. That usually went over pretty well.
    - Joe Sacco
  • I tried to draw people more realistically, but the figure I neglected to update was myself.
    - Joe Sacco
  • I think any journalist who spends time in a place realizes that there are lots of stories around beyond their primary story. You meet so many interesting people and have all kinds of experiences.
    - Joe Sacco
  • And I think I find, I know a lot of people around, in different cities, and so it's not - it might sound strange - but it's not that hard to say good-bye, because I know there's other people where I'm going. I can sort of fit in in a lot of places.
    - Joe Sacco