Best quotes by Bryce Dessner on Music

Checkout quotes by Bryce Dessner on Music

  • Working with Bob Weir directly, we learned how high the bar is for Dead music.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • There is a reactionary conservative side of classical music, which is not the most exciting side of it. The side that draws me in, there's a real encouragement of risk-taking, going back to masters of that tradition like Beethoven and Bartok and Stravinsky.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • Part of what I enjoy about writing classical music is communicating through the score and collaborating with such amazing musicians.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • For me, the exhausting thing about touring is the sitting around, which is why working on my concert music is really great - and also seeing concerts and seeing friends and, whenever possible, getting out to see a museum.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • For a composer of concert music, 40 is actually very young. But for a rock musician, 40 is almost past due, where you think of rock music as really part of more youth-oriented culture.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • I've got this diverse education, growing up in classical music and existing between that and music that is more visceral, so for sure, I've always been interested in music from other cultures.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • In terms of the music, it feels almost like trouble's a good thing - you never know when a song is going to surprise you. We look for these subversive moments in songs.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • There is a kind of adventure- and risk-seeking audience in classical contemporary music that is really empowering and part of what draws me to it. The people that come to these concerts are open-minded and curious.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • I came from a classical background, and I was teaching and earning a living out of music at a certain level, so it's funny to make it as a rock star when we're 40 or whatever.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • If you make rock music with guitars in it, the Radiohead comparison is inevitable.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • My background in music is classical - I did graduate school in music. At that time, I was studying composition, but I was studying classical guitar very seriously.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • For many people in the music conservatory world, the message was always, Focus! 'You can't do everything; you really need to specialize.' And especially at an early age, I ignored this advice.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • Early on, I was a performer playing classical music. It's in my DNA in a way that I can't begin to extract it.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • Me, who's educated classically, I went toward rock music 'cause it was sort of a natural evolution from where I was playing with my brother. But I was always drawn back into classical music.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • When I'm writing instrumental music, I try to find musical and non-musical inspirations.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • There is much more immediate access to creative music through online communities and blogs which have touched all corners of the music world including contemporary classical.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • With 'Boxer,' we made the kind of music we wanted to make and didn't really worry about what the expectation was.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • Musicians are hungry for new music.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • A lot of people ask how I ended up doing classical music given that I'm in a rock band. The truth is that it's the other way around. I was trained as a classical musician and then started playing in a rock band later.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • Obviously, any living musician born after 1960 has been touched by rock and roll. It's the music of our time, and it's 'in the air,' as Steve Reich would say. My experience of it is just really direct because I'm actually playing in a collaborative band.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • When I'm scoring something like a string quartet, it's all notated music, so it's meticulously written in the score, which is very different than doing things by ear.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • When I'm writing for certain instruments, you want to write within what you know about that instrument but also challenge the player. Something like 'Aheym' is very virtuosic - but because I have a history of performing music, I don't like unplayable music.
    - Bryce Dessner
  • The thing I realised about composition is, we remember most composers for four bars of music. Four singable bars of music. Pretty much any major composer from Debussy to Ravel to Mozart to whoever else - you can kind of hum it.
    - Bryce Dessner