Best quotes by Jane Siberry on Music

Checkout quotes by Jane Siberry on Music

  • When I made my way across childhood to the tinny AM radio, it was dark. Lights out. I listened intently. More intently than I ever had before. Something was speaking to my unformed-ness like a long lost friend. Something that I had never met but forgotten nonetheless. I was 'realizing' that music was 'different' from other things in life.
    - Jane Siberry
  • I was raised on pop music.
    - Jane Siberry
  • I think we're returning to more of the original vibration of music and creativity through the removal of this distortion called the music industry. That's where we're heading. And it'll cut out a lot of music if people ever expected to make money.
    - Jane Siberry
  • I am a musician. I didn't know I would be so when I was young. I do know that I have always heard music in my head that I wasn't hearing somewhere else and I 'needed' this music. And obedient to the laws of nature, I created into this vacuum.
    - Jane Siberry
  • If you ask someone if they like music, they look at you strangely. It seems to be a universal given. Like asking someone if they like breathing. It is like breathing. Or air, rather. Flowing without and within. A matrix within which our lives are set. The setting for the tableware of our beings.
    - Jane Siberry
  • Music is gathering. Taking our scattered thoughts and senses and coalescing us back into our core. Music is powerful. The first few chords can change us where no self-help books can.
    - Jane Siberry
  • Since the music industry cracked and fell apart, gasping for the cash flow it had come to expect, much re-thinking has been the order of the day. It is a fine time to be a musician. Like walking through Sodom and Gomorrah while it is still smoking, on your way to the next gig.
    - Jane Siberry
  • Music is all about training in harmony, training to understand and use musical energy for our greater pleasure by attuning to the natural laws of the universe.
    - Jane Siberry
  • I started feeling it was wrong to withhold my music for money - as strange as that might sound!
    - Jane Siberry
  • I'm not a household word. The climate for original music is always a bit difficult.
    - Jane Siberry
  • So many of my friends are still trying to get record deals, and I've had one for 10 years now, where my only goal is to make the best music I can make. I've been very lucky. I have great faith that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, and whatever happens is going to be absolutely right for me.
    - Jane Siberry
  • I was raised on pop music. Anything classical ran together in a complicated blur.
    - Jane Siberry
  • I've always loved acoustic music because I've always loved to hear someone's words or just watch them and just get into them. The distancing thing about rock is it's so assaulting.
    - Jane Siberry
  • I try to make my music have the quiet spaces of folk, the intimacy, and the energy of rock.
    - Jane Siberry