Best quotes by Rachael Stirling on Love

Checkout quotes by Rachael Stirling on Love

  • I love radio interviews; it's all about multitasking and, like all good women, I can do that.
    - Rachael Stirling
  • Having brothers - I love that. They don't take any rubbish, and they beat you up if you've been misbehaving.
    - Rachael Stirling
  • I did ballet as a child and started again seven years ago. I love that you hear this exquisite music, and for a moment, you feel like a thing of beauty; it's changed my awareness of my body.
    - Rachael Stirling
  • I love growing older. Normally, I don't bother with make-up. This face in the mirror is changing. I've got new lines from smiling at the sprog so much.
    - Rachael Stirling
  • The theatre always felt like home, and it does to this day. When I do screen acting, I miss telling a story from beginning to end, as you do nightly on stage. I love that relationship with the audience and how it changes each night.
    - Rachael Stirling