Best quotes by Seth MacFarlane on Family

Checkout quotes by Seth MacFarlane on Family

  • When 'Family Guy' started, we wanted to make it more like a sitcom. And there was very little music.
    - Seth MacFarlane
  • Everybody in my family had a real sick, twisted sense of humor. Most of the jokes we make in our house, we would just never even dream of making anywhere else. Just sick, horrible stuff. That wasn't anything new to college.
    - Seth MacFarlane
  • 'Family Guy' has this weird thing of attracting people. People either hate it or can't get enough of it. There's really no one in between.
    - Seth MacFarlane
  • The way Disney characters move, they're very kind of slow and fluid and flowing; one pose kind of eases into the next. If you look at a show like 'The Simpsons' and subsequently a show like 'Family Guy' - the characters will jerk from pose to pose a lot, a bit more snappy. Which sort of goes along with the writing tone of the show.
    - Seth MacFarlane
  • I always thought it would be funny to have the Parents Television Council write an episode of 'Family Guy' and give them full creative control. Then see how good the episode is. That's something we've actually discussed in the writers' room. We haven't proposed it yet, but if somebody from the PTC reads this, it might be worth discussing.
    - Seth MacFarlane