Best quotes by Jonathan Ames on Me

Checkout quotes by Jonathan Ames on Me

  • I'm actually much more shy and self-conscious than people's perception of me.
    - Jonathan Ames
  • For me, books have always been a way to feel less alone while being alone. Perhaps if I was depressed and isolated, just communicating with these authors through their sentences helped me.
    - Jonathan Ames
  • For me, the past is dead. Can't go back.
    - Jonathan Ames
  • Now, all writing - all the arts - are a form of 'Pay attention to me,' but there's also the flip side. Like, I want to give something. Let me entertain you, let me amuse you, let me try to please you with this thing I've made. And then pay attention to me.
    - Jonathan Ames
  • I don't have ADD, but I only like to pay attention to the things I like to pay attention to, and things like getting a TV and getting the cable working are beyond me, and so I let such things lapse, sometimes for years. This applies to keeping my apartment clean.
    - Jonathan Ames
  • The reason it's hard for me to tweet is I don't want to pronounce anything, and Twitter is for pronouncing.
    - Jonathan Ames
  • It's hard for me to think of writing a novel, because it takes so long.
    - Jonathan Ames
  • I don't mind being ridiculed - well, I guess I would mind a little, but it would only last a few minutes - it's all very ephemeral; it doesn't really matter what people think of me.
    - Jonathan Ames