Best quotes by Frances O'Grady on Work

Checkout quotes by Frances O'Grady on Work

  • Never has a strong, responsible trade union movement been so needed. With austerity policies biting hard and with no evidence that they are working, people at work need the TUC to speak up for them now more than ever.
    - Frances O'Grady
  • The difficulty for the Government is there's this ideological straitjacket of the market will provide, let the market rip and everything will work out... It's back to trickle-down economics, which, it's plain to see, have not delivered.
    - Frances O'Grady
  • As long as the number one worry for people, keeping them up at nights, is whether they're going to have a job in the morning, then they are less likely to resist unfair changes, or unfair treatment, or cuts in real pay at work.
    - Frances O'Grady
  • A business is good if it gives a decent day's reward for a decent day's work, treats people decently, and gives them a voice at the top.
    - Frances O'Grady
  • There is nothing that says unions have a God-given right to be there. We have to work at it and make ourselves relevant to every section of the workforce.
    - Frances O'Grady
  • All the evidence shows very clearly that if you are a member of a trade union you are likely to get better pay, more equal pay, better health and safety, more chance to get training, more chance to have conditions of work that help if you have caring responsibilities... the list goes on!
    - Frances O'Grady
  • I want a society that provides decent jobs for those who can work and decent security for those can't.
    - Frances O'Grady
  • The implication that women work for pin money and can manage on a worse pension, presumably by relying on husbands, riles. But even more galling for women is that few government ministers seem to even appreciate the value of the work they do.
    - Frances O'Grady
  • Voting to go on strike is not a decision working people take lightly and is always accompanied by a strong sense of injustice at work. The impact of losing a day's pay is significant, not least for those in the lowest paid jobs who are already on the tightest budgets.
    - Frances O'Grady