Best quotes by Nate Diaz on Fight

Checkout quotes by Nate Diaz on Fight

  • I don't come and fight for fun. I don't do that. I don't like to hurt people for fun.
    - Nate Diaz
  • I try to cancel out every possibility of losing the fight, and this runs through my head all day long. I'm seeing myself become smashed in the face, cut, or being submitted or being knocked out in so many different ways all day long.
    - Nate Diaz
  • I want to fight the best guy. I always want to fight the best guy.
    - Nate Diaz
  • There was a rumor I was walking around at 183 pounds. When I left my room to fight Conor McGregor, I was 179 pounds. That means by the time I walked in the cage, I was probably 175, 174 pounds.
    - Nate Diaz
  • Money talks. I want the biggest fight. Whoever I've got to fight - the biggest show, biggest payday - that's what I want.
    - Nate Diaz
  • I always took a fight; I always took everybody. I fought everybody.
    - Nate Diaz
  • I win by submissions, knockouts. There's guys ranked above me, but no one's interested in seeing them fight. They want to see me fight.
    - Nate Diaz
  • You know when I fight, I'm going to sell out the show. Everyone wants to see someone get knocked out or tapped out.
    - Nate Diaz
  • I don't love to fight; I don't want to fight.
    - Nate Diaz
  • It's just kinda irritating to me that we're awarding people in mixed martial arts for trying to move away and not finish the fight.
    - Nate Diaz
  • Whoever has lost a fight in the UFC and hasn't wanted to fight that guy the next day shouldn't be in the sport.
    - Nate Diaz
  • Every fight, I'm fighting blind opponents. I don't know who it's going to be, who I'm fighting, if I'm really fighting them.
    - Nate Diaz
  • I need a vacation anyway. They fight me too much. I'm not going to be the one to back out of these fights.
    - Nate Diaz