Best quotes by RuPaul on People

Checkout quotes by RuPaul on People

  • My number one tip for all people, not just drag queens, is false eyelashes, which make every look go from daytime to glamazon!
    - RuPaul
  • People can identify as however you want to. Right on. Go for it. But my strategy in this bigger game of life is to not identify as anything.
    - RuPaul
  • This is an important thing: People who live in the mainstream and the status quo think that everyone else is there to serve them.
    - RuPaul
  • For my tribe, the people I found years ago, we've found sanctuary in the irreverent, in the off-center, in the quirky... And that's how we stay entertained, and that's how we stay engaged in what would otherwise seem to be a really cruel world. A really harsh world.
    - RuPaul
  • We encrypt 'Drag Race' with the secret language that kept gay people linked for many years before the '80s.
    - RuPaul
  • If you look at their voting habits and their eating habits, you realize people are stupid.
    - RuPaul
  • Drag is really about reminding people that you are more than you think you are - you are more than what it says on your passport.
    - RuPaul