Best quotes by Ardal O'Hanlon on Me

Checkout quotes by Ardal O'Hanlon on Me

  • If I was a very stable person, I would not have to do comedy. Nobody would have to listen to me.
    - Ardal O'Hanlon
  • Where I come from people are very deadpan with a dry humour that I suppose rubbed off on me.
    - Ardal O'Hanlon
  • My mother tells me I regaled people with stories but I don't remember that. And she disputes the idea that I might be chronically shy. She says I was the most outgoing of all of us.
    - Ardal O'Hanlon
  • I was able to tour successfully and attract a fairly wide audience, but it was hard to assert myself as a stand-up because people were more familiar with me as a TV character.
    - Ardal O'Hanlon
  • While I try to retain the slightly odd perspective and some of the innocence, it's really liberating to be able to talk/rant about all the stuff that bothers me.
    - Ardal O'Hanlon