Best quotes by Tim Kennedy on Fight

Checkout quotes by Tim Kennedy on Fight

  • When people refer to a cage fight as war, I think it's kinda cute... A war, huh? You know what a war is? They, evidently, don't. It's not maybe their place to know what it is, but I do.
    - Tim Kennedy
  • Michael Bisping, we had a five round battle. I beat him for five rounds and tripled the amount of strikes landed. I landed more take-downs in that fight than had been landed on him in his entire career.
    - Tim Kennedy
  • I'm the guy that once graduated Ranger School - a place that starves you and denies you sleep for over two months - and took a fight six days later in the IFL and won.
    - Tim Kennedy
  • I make, like, three or four times more when I don't fight than when I do fight. And, I'm one of the higher-paid guys in the UFC, which is remarkably tragic and pathetic.
    - Tim Kennedy
  • No matter what I do, it's all about the workouts. When I travel, I make sure I get my workout in first. When I'm in camp for a fight, I don't travel at all, and I train three times a day. The secret is to just keep working.
    - Tim Kennedy
  • I want to earn a top-contender status in the UFC, so I have to fight the best.
    - Tim Kennedy
  • I'm competitive when I fight, but I don't get emotionally involved.
    - Tim Kennedy
  • If we are ever going to rescue our nation from selfish entitlement, political correctness, and collectivism, we must start sending citizen-statesman warriors to fight for us in Washington, and I believe Col. Maness will do just that.
    - Tim Kennedy