Best quotes by Robert Vaughn on Myself

Checkout quotes by Robert Vaughn on Myself

  • For example, I tend to personally reward myself for specific acts of exceptional discipline.
    - Robert Vaughn
  • All I did was basically play myself in the role of Napoleon Solo.
    - Robert Vaughn
  • Audience response to The Man From U.N.C.L.E. back in the '60s - well, I was frankly surprised by the show's success and the attendant publicity for David and myself.
    - Robert Vaughn
  • Of course, neither David or myself ever saw a penny from them; it was the early days of merchandising.
    - Robert Vaughn
  • My childhood beliefs became so much a part of me that even today I find myself automatically living by a personal standard of conduct which can only be explained as resulting from my religious training.
    - Robert Vaughn