Best quotes by N. K. Jemisin on People

Checkout quotes by N. K. Jemisin on People

  • My first series, the 'Inheritance' trilogy, in the first book, you were dealing with a woman of color from an impoverished culture, being brought up among wealthy, privileged white people and having to cope and perform in ways that she has not been raised to do, and that was obviously drawn from some personal experiences.
    - N. K. Jemisin
  • Actual Victorian mores and politics were a reaction to a specific series of historical events, technological and scientific developments, and ethical trends in which the commodification of people was de rigueur.
    - N. K. Jemisin
  • All people who grew up with science fiction and fantasy and horror went through the whole acculturation process of the genre. We were all told to read the golden age writers. We were all told Heinlein and Asimov and all these straight, white males, although some of them were Jewish.
    - N. K. Jemisin
  • I write for myself - but it is nice when other people like it, too!
    - N. K. Jemisin
  • I think the people who believe that works can and always should be divorced from the context are people who have the privilege to do so.
    - N. K. Jemisin
  • There's a thriving field of self-published stuff in, particularly, black fiction. I don't know that other groups of people of color have that same recourse.
    - N. K. Jemisin