Best quotes by Gina Carano on People

Checkout quotes by Gina Carano on People

  • I want people to see me for who I am and not for how someone else is trying to promote me.
    - Gina Carano
  • On 'American Gladiators,' I got to pummel a lot of people off a pyramid with a giant Q-tip. It was so much fun to wrestle people with no risk of getting knocked out or choked out.
    - Gina Carano
  • You want to get better even after people smash you down. You want to be better than you were before.
    - Gina Carano
  • You shouldn't be greedy. You should feel good about yourself and not be greedy of what other people have.
    - Gina Carano
  • I am not a violent person. I actually don't like to hurt people.
    - Gina Carano
  • Well you know, I have the utmost respect for people like Angelina Jolie and Zoe Saldana in 'Colombiana. '
    - Gina Carano
  • I don't get paid what people think I get paid for fighting.
    - Gina Carano
  • Of course, fighting is not going to be as graceful as movie fighting. I don't like it to be ugly and I don't like it to be one big brawl or people clobbering each other.
    - Gina Carano
  • A lot of people enjoyed the film 'Haywire' and a lot of people have mixed feelings on it but regardless, a lot of people have said really wonderful things about it being my first experience, that the fighting they absolutely enjoyed. So I think I've gotten a lot more fans, actually.
    - Gina Carano
  • I'm really surprised how many people knew me as Gina Carano. MMA has a beautiful fan base.
    - Gina Carano