Best quotes by Calvin Johnson on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Calvin Johnson on Knowledge

  • You know what's funny? There's times when you catch a ball and really didn't even see that ball. You're like, 'That couldn't have been all me.'
    - Calvin Johnson
  • I know where my body's at, know how it feels, you know.
    - Calvin Johnson
  • Concussions happen. If not on every play, then they happen like every other, every third play, you know.
    - Calvin Johnson
  • It's simple to get a concussion, you know. I don't know how many I've had over my career, you know, but I've definitely had my fair share.
    - Calvin Johnson
  • I had great stats in my career, you know, but really, you want to win.
    - Calvin Johnson
  • Not many of my friends I had from college are playing in this league. Everybody knows it's a privilege, so you definitely don't knock it because you never know where you may end up.
    - Calvin Johnson