Best quotes by George Michael on Me

Checkout quotes by George Michael on Me

  • I have never thought about my sexuality being right or wrong. To me it has always been a case of finding the right person.
    - George Michael
  • I have never felt any ethnic connection between the Greeks and me other than how hairy I am.
    - George Michael
  • It takes so much strength to say to your ego, 'You know what? You're going to keep me lonely, so I have to ignore you.'
    - George Michael
  • I knew, regardless of anything else, singing in front of an orchestra was going to be inspirational. It would feed me.
    - George Michael
  • There are things about my mum that I only realised later, things that make me admire her.
    - George Michael
  • It's important to me that I should be free to express myself.
    - George Michael
  • The '90s were a bit of a disaster for me in so many ways. On a personal level, I don't think I could have toured. Also, I had some physical problems with my back that are now sorted and I just wasn't in the right state of mind.
    - George Michael
  • The fact I had my father as an adversary was such a powerful tool to work with. I subconsciously fought him to the degree that I drove me to be one of the most successful musician in the world.
    - George Michael