Best quotes by Michael Shellenberger on Energy

Checkout quotes by Michael Shellenberger on Energy

  • Solar makes electricity expensive for two inherently physical reasons. Sunlight is dilute, requiring 10 to 15 times as much materials and mining, and up to 5,000 times more land, than non-renewables. And sunlight is unreliable, which reduces the value of solar as it becomes a larger part of energy supplies.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • The only countries that have successfully moved from fossil fuels to low-carbon power have done so with the help of nuclear energy.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Sunlight and wind are inherently unreliable and energy-dilute. As such, adding solar panels and wind turbines to the grid in large quantities increases the cost of generating electricity, locks in fossil fuels, and increases the environmental footprint of energy production.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • If you think modernity is mostly to blame for pollution, visit Africa where people still burn wood and dung as an energy source.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • There has always been enough fossil fuels to power human civilization for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years, and nuclear energy is effectively infinite.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • The industrial revolution in England was only made possible through intensified agriculture and the use of coal for manufacturing, which delivered far more energy for far less labor.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Nuclear is the only energy source that has proven capable of fully replacing fossil fuels at low-cost in wealthy nations. While hydro-electric dams can sometimes play that role, they are limited to nations with powerful rivers, many of which have already been dammed.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • The flip side of renewables' low energy density is their low return on energy invested.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Like many environmental documentaries, 'Planet of Humans' endorses debunked Malthusian ideas that the world is running out of energy.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • In truth, humankind has never been at risk of running out of energy.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • There are major groups, including the Sierra Club, that support efforts to deprive poor countries of energy.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • If you look at all the energy that is used by an iPhone, not just to make it and to power it, but also to power all the servers, all of the stuff that you don't see that the iPhone is connected to, it uses as much energy as a refrigerator.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • If you care about the environment, you want food and energy production to become more efficient and centralized. You want to put less inputs in and get more outputs out and get less waste.
    - Michael Shellenberger