Best quotes by Soccer Mommy on Music

Checkout quotes by Soccer Mommy on Music

  • Social media being used to discover new artists is great. There's not a barrier to enter the industry. People can just post music and share it. And if it's good enough, and people like it, it will grow.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • I've played music since I was six, and I always wrote songs just for myself. I did it for fun, posting songs on Tumblr, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud. I didn't think anyone would notice.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • I'm a huge fan of Joni Mitchell, and I think her music has inspired me lyrically and guitar-wise.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • I think a lot of women could be making great music but still don't feel like they're capable - in fact, I know that's the case for a lot of young girls who try to do music.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • It's hard for me to see myself as meaningful, but people seem to like my music, so who knows. Maybe my music is empowering some more young women to pick up songwriting/playing.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • It hasn't been a conscious thing, like, 'I don't want to listen to a bunch of dudes,' but I genuinely like music by women better.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • I have to not let anything get to me and not get an ego about it and just do what I want to do, do things because I like them, and make the music that I like unapologetically.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • A lot of music that's my favorite doesn't sound like the music I write.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • I listen to a lot of Nashville local music, which, for the most part, is punk and grunge music but also alt-country stuff down here.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • When I was younger, I definitely wish I had felt more... I just wish I had started actually putting out my music earlier because I didn't do it until I graduated high school and felt like I was leaving. That's mostly because I have never liked my voice a lot or been like a particularly great singer.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • I've seen girls start playing music who have told me they were inspired by me.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • I was definitely thinking I'd go to college and make music on the side.
    - Soccer Mommy
  • I didn't make music until I was about 18. I'd been playing my whole life, but I wasn't putting it out because I didn't feel like people would take it seriously. I thought people would be like, 'It's just like sad girl music - it's like Taylor Swift.'
    - Soccer Mommy
  • I've had so many young girls come up to me after a show and say, 'How do I start putting my music on Bandcamp?' or 'I used to play music, but I don't anymore, and I really want to start writing again.' That's just the most amazing feeling.
    - Soccer Mommy