Best quotes by Jim Starlin on Me

Checkout quotes by Jim Starlin on Me

  • Vietnam affected everything in life while it went on. My time in the service made it clear to me that what we were being told in our newspapers and newscasts, back in the States, wasn't half the story of what was really going on.
    - Jim Starlin
  • I consider 'Dreadstar' to be an extension of my family, so it took me a while to feel comfortable letting anyone else take care of this project.
    - Jim Starlin
  • When I started writing 'Batman,' I lobbied heavily to get rid of Robin - or at least not use him in the stories I wrote. Fighting crime with a teenager dressed in primary colors while you're sporting a gray-and-black outfit always struck me as child endangerment, if not abuse.
    - Jim Starlin
  • Very little other than Elmore Leonard's crime writing inspiring me on my Batman run.
    - Jim Starlin
  • Thanos came to me while I was taking a psychology class in college after coming out of the service; the ol' Thanos/Eros concept.
    - Jim Starlin
  • Most of the time, I don't like planning out too far ahead. I like to be spontaneous, make decisions, and go, 'Hey! That inspired me! I want to do more with that!'
    - Jim Starlin
  • Yes, Marvel Entertainment has treated me very well and generously. Them, I like.
    - Jim Starlin