Best quotes by Oren Etzioni on Intelligence

Checkout quotes by Oren Etzioni on Intelligence

  • Sooner or later, the U.S. will face mounting job losses due to advances in automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics.
    - Oren Etzioni
  • Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning, which is a vibrant research area in artificial intelligence, or AI.
    - Oren Etzioni
  • The popular dystopian vision of AI is wrong for one simple reason: it equates intelligence with autonomy. That is, it assumes a smart computer will create its own goals and have its own will and will use its faster processing abilities and deep databases to beat humans at their own game.
    - Oren Etzioni
  • Understanding of natural language is what sometimes is called 'AI complete,' meaning if you can really do that, you can probably solve artificial intelligence.
    - Oren Etzioni
  • I became interested in AI in high school because I read 'Goedel, Escher, Bach,' a book by Douglas Hofstader. He showed how all their work in some ways fit together, and he talked about artificial intelligence. I thought 'Wow, this is what I want to be doing.'
    - Oren Etzioni
  • I'd like to make a fundamental impact on one of the most exciting, intelligent questions of all time. Can we use software and hardware to build intelligence into a machine? Can that machine help us solve cancer? Can that machine help us solve climate change?
    - Oren Etzioni