Best quotes by Brian Ortega on People

Checkout quotes by Brian Ortega on People

  • I'm not the perfect person, but I have the perfect heart, I feel, when it comes to helping people.
    - Brian Ortega
  • I like super fights. I want super fights. I want guys that I can match up well where people don't know what going to happen.
    - Brian Ortega
  • I want to go out and help people and share love where love is needed.
    - Brian Ortega
  • I'll do things that a lot of people think is very risky.
    - Brian Ortega
  • It's a little weird: you're headlining a show on TV, and obviously, people like to associate that with material things. I drive a - what is it - 1999 Chevy Blazer. There's no more cushion on the driver's seat, and the tires are about gone.
    - Brian Ortega
  • The Brian Ortega Foundation will cater to all people who have all kinds of problems.
    - Brian Ortega