Best quotes by Mazie Hirono on Women

Checkout quotes by Mazie Hirono on Women

  • Women are problem solvers, and often we don't get much credit for that because the typical image of a leader is someone who's loud, obnoxious, chest-pounding. That's not my vision of what true leadership is; true leaders are the ones who work with great commitment to get something done.
    - Mazie Hirono
  • I had run other people's campaigns. I had been doing political activities for a decade before I ever ran for office myself. That is so much the experience of women of my generation. We always feel as though we have to bring so much more to the table, and that never stops the guys.
    - Mazie Hirono
  • I know our country can remain forward-thinking by ensuring young women and minorities are given equal opportunity.
    - Mazie Hirono
  • I hope that my uniquely American journey can help pave the way for others, especially women, to step into their own immense power.
    - Mazie Hirono
  • Women feel we need to be much better prepared, that we need to have a lot of experience behind us before we run for office.
    - Mazie Hirono
  • When I first ran for office in 1980, there weren't that many women running for office.
    - Mazie Hirono