Best quotes by Gil Marks on Food

Checkout quotes by Gil Marks on Food

  • People remember the different variations of stuffed cabbage based on their mothers and grandmothers. It's not just about food. Eating something as traditional as this is a cultural experience, one that is spiritual and nostalgic. It manages to transcend time; it's food for the soul.
    - Gil Marks
  • To me, that aspect of life that most touches the everyday and celebrations is food.
    - Gil Marks
  • Judaism is not just a religion but a people, and the food and customs of one part of the people is connected to the other part of the people. They are part of a larger story.
    - Gil Marks
  • Food is never static; culture is never static.
    - Gil Marks
  • To know a community is to know its food.
    - Gil Marks
  • The knish is a classic example of peasant food evolving into comfort food and even sophisticated fare.
    - Gil Marks
  • Food is sort of like the Jewish sense of humor, a defense mechanism. It is one of the things that helped the Jews survive through 2,000 years of an often very harsh Diaspora.
    - Gil Marks
  • A Jewish food is one that is almost sanctified, either by its repeated use or use within the holidays or rituals. So food that may have not been Jewish at one point can become Jewish within the cultural context.
    - Gil Marks
  • I have been collecting recipes and information for over 20 years, but three years ago, my editor said to me, 'You're a walking encyclopedia of food, so why don't you do an encyclopedia?'
    - Gil Marks
  • In Judaism, almost every ritual entails either food or the absence of food. Yom Kippur, for instance, is the absence of food. Part of it is Talmudic, part of it is custom. So much of Judaism was bound up in dietary laws. So everything you ate - the very act itself - was part of religion.
    - Gil Marks
  • We can all be defined by food.
    - Gil Marks
  • The processing and preparation of food can transform a kosher item into a non-kosher item.
    - Gil Marks