Best quotes by David Muir on News

Checkout quotes by David Muir on News

  • I think there is a danger when it comes to fake news because there is some fake news out there, but there's also a danger when you only hear back to you the beliefs you already have.
    - David Muir
  • I wrote to the local news guy when I was 12 years old. I said, 'What do I need to do to be you one day?'
    - David Muir
  • If you go to certain cable news shows, you're generally going to hear the viewpoints that you already have reported back to you. I think there's no harm in that.
    - David Muir
  • The evening news is evolving rapidly, and I think we have to be extraordinarily nimble.
    - David Muir
  • When we get news 24 hours a day, I think people need the evening newscast more than ever.
    - David Muir
  • If we can get people engaged in the world around them in any form, in any way, that's a positive thing, and hopefully we can get them to come to the news more.
    - David Muir