Best quotes by Dimebag Darrell on Guitar

Checkout quotes by Dimebag Darrell on Guitar

  • Initially, I just used the guitar as a prop. I'd pose with it in front of a mirror in my Kiss makeup when I was skipping school. Then I figured out how to play the main riff to Deep Purple's 'Smoke on the Water' on just the E string. Next, my old man showed me how to play barre chords, and that's when things started getting really heavy.
    - Dimebag Darrell
  • To get my sound in the studio, I double guitar tracks, and when it gets to the lead parts, the rhythm drops out, just like it's live. I'm very conscious of that.
    - Dimebag Darrell
  • Washburn built me the guitar that changed my life.
    - Dimebag Darrell
  • You can tune your guitar funky, and something's gonna come out. There's no secret to it - either you got it, or you don't.
    - Dimebag Darrell
  • On our early demos, I was really frustrated with my recorded sound. I'd tell my dad, 'Dude, I want more 'cut' on my guitar - I want more treble.' And he'd say, 'Now, son, you don't want that. It'll hurt your ears.' But my dad just didn't understand.
    - Dimebag Darrell