Best quotes by A. A. Gill on Men

Checkout quotes by A. A. Gill on Men

  • There are five great ages of man - five moments when you need to reevaluate everything, clear out the cupboard and the wardrobe, and most importantly, your head. They are 13, 20, 30, 40 and 60. All men need to know this.
    - A. A. Gill
  • Shorts are silly. Men in shorts are silly men. And silly is the very worst thing a man can be.
    - A. A. Gill
  • For men, privacy means not being told stuff that would hurt. For women, secrecy is having stuff go on behind your back.
    - A. A. Gill
  • Men and women understand different things about personal boundaries. What men call privacy, women know as secrecy.
    - A. A. Gill
  • Frightened is the natural state for all men.
    - A. A. Gill