Best quotes by Michael Gambon on Me

Checkout quotes by Michael Gambon on Me

  • I just play him as myself, I don't ease myself into any role really. I stick a beard on and play me.
    - Michael Gambon
  • Yeah, I like causing trouble. It's the teddy boy in me. I used to be a teddy boy. Feeling slightly inferior and wanting to cause a bit of bother and get some action going on in the room rather than get bored stiff.
    - Michael Gambon
  • You get used to being lazy doing films, but classical theatre's going to finish me off.
    - Michael Gambon
  • Richard was in heavy, heavy costume, he could hardly sit, you know, and I turned up and they put me in two layers of silk, so I played him much lighter - you know, floating around in a pair of slippers, a bit of a hippy.
    - Michael Gambon
  • I am a theatre actor, but the last ten years I've taken parts in movies because it keeps me in money.
    - Michael Gambon
  • Every part I play is just a variant of my own personality. No real character actor, of course, just me.
    - Michael Gambon
  • A child did approach me in a restaurant in Cornwall, but he thought I was Gandalf.
    - Michael Gambon
  • I find it difficult to remember lines. When I'm doing a long speech for television, I sometimes have an earpiece with someone feeding me the text. But I can get by in the theatre if I study hard for a couple of months.
    - Michael Gambon
  • When I was doing 'Tales from Hollywood' at the National, I was invited to dinner by the choreographer, Kenneth MacMillan. He told me I had the heart of a dancer and asked me if I'd like to come on at the end of 'Romeo and Juliet' as a friar. I said I'd love to, but sadly, MacMillan died shortly after.
    - Michael Gambon
  • I like causing trouble. It's the teddy boy in me. I used to be a teddy boy. Feeling slightly inferior and wanting to cause a bit of bother and get some action going on in the room rather than get bored stiff. Does that make sense?
    - Michael Gambon
  • Television has dried up for my generation, so it's plays and films. You get used to being lazy doing films, but classical theatre's going to finish me off.
    - Michael Gambon
  • I see film roles as lovely presents that come along now and again. I feel really lucky and say thank you very much. And if they fly me to L.A., I think, 'God, I must really be doing well.' I've worked with De Niro and Brando and Pacino, and that's made me feel very lucky. But the films have never meant a lot to me.
    - Michael Gambon