Best quotes by Troy Aikman on Game

Checkout quotes by Troy Aikman on Game

  • The year we went to our first Super Bowl in 1992, we were the youngest team in football. We played in the Super Bowl against a team that had a wealth of playoff experience and Super Bowl experience, and we dominated that football game.
    - Troy Aikman
  • A lot of people believe that I retired from the game of football because of concussions - that is not accurate. I really retired primarily because of a degenerative back condition that I had.
    - Troy Aikman
  • I always have been comfortable with my opinions and how I feel about the play on the field, and how it should be done and how teams should go about playing the game.
    - Troy Aikman
  • I always play every game in my mind before it begins. A lot of times in a game, a play will happen, and it will feel like deja vu, like I've seen the play happen before in my mind.
    - Troy Aikman
  • I would bet you that even though people think I absorbed an inordinate number of head injuries, I'd say relative to the number of guys who have played this game, I would say that my head injuries were relatively small.
    - Troy Aikman
  • I was 0-11 as a starter, and there were times when I walked off the field wondering if I'd ever win a game in the NFL.
    - Troy Aikman
  • As long as we're having contact and as long as there are collisions, there's going to be head injuries. What the long-term consequences are of that, we're beginning to learn, and that definitely will have an impact on the game as we know it.
    - Troy Aikman
  • A lot of coaches and players get so tunnel-visioned that when they do have some time off, they spend it concentrating on the game.
    - Troy Aikman
  • I have been playing this game since I was 7 years old, and to all of a sudden recognize that you're not going to do it anymore is hard.
    - Troy Aikman