Best quotes by Lou Williams on Game

Checkout quotes by Lou Williams on Game

  • When I got traded to the Raptors Kyle Lowry told me, 'We expect you to average 15 points a game off the bench.' And I said, 'Perfect, so you need me here.' And that made me feel wanted. So once he put that expectation on me, it just made everything fall into place.
    - Lou Williams
  • Some guys like to eat two or three different times a day before the game. I eat once, and that's it.
    - Lou Williams
  • I think as competitors, that's why we get into this, to gain respect from the guys who have played the game, and you walk away and they say, 'He was a tough cover - that dude was nice.'
    - Lou Williams
  • A lot of the stories I got on A.I., I can't say publicly. Overall, I just really appreciated how he went about going into games. He got a lot of flak for the 'practice' comment, but every game, he gave it his all.
    - Lou Williams
  • Every 10 years the game changes.
    - Lou Williams
  • I'd never seen my father stand up. As far as I can remember, my father was always in a wheelchair. I always remembered that. And I remember my first basketball game, ever, he rolls into the gym, he stays by the door and he watches me play. And that was the only game he ever saw me play because he passed away shortly after that.
    - Lou Williams
  • I played varsity in high school as a 9th grader. I came off the bench during the first game of the season and had 25 points. Well, I became a starter after that and in the second game I scored 53 points.
    - Lou Williams