Best quotes by Andrea Leadsom on People

Checkout quotes by Andrea Leadsom on People

  • We can restore that vital trust between politics and the people.
    - Andrea Leadsom
  • We must give young people and others who cannot find a job a direct and clear incentive to create one for themselves by starting a business.
    - Andrea Leadsom
  • Like so many other people in the U.K., I took the chance offered to us in a single question: Should we leave the European Union or remain within it? Following a great deal of thought and thorough analysis, the answer I arrived at was, 'Yes, we should leave the E.U.'
    - Andrea Leadsom
  • I would like to pilot a government-led scheme, alongside Help to Buy, to offer a loan to young people on a reasonable income to be able to pay the deposit on a new home and then swap their high rents for a mortgage and actually have a place of their own.
    - Andrea Leadsom
  • Theresa May... is ideally placed to implement Brexit on the best possible terms for the British people, and she has promised she will do so.
    - Andrea Leadsom