Best quotes by Michael Beschloss on Time

Checkout quotes by Michael Beschloss on Time

  • Historians often find important decisions few knew were important at the time.
    - Michael Beschloss
  • So if 1960 had occurred under the old convention system, Kennedy would have had a very hard time getting the Democratic nomination because he would have been rejected by all those people who had worked with him in Washington.
    - Michael Beschloss
  • You have had presidential candidates over the last 30 years who would have had a very hard time getting nominated under the old system. One example is John Kennedy.
    - Michael Beschloss
  • Even if you have presidents like FDR dealing with someone like Stalin, with whom he didn't exactly all the time disagree... He wasn't always in lockstep saying Stalin was wonderful all the time. Donald Trump never criticizes Putin.
    - Michael Beschloss
  • Reagan's defense buildup and SDI, so ridiculed at the time, pressed Gorbachev, while his economy was collapsing, to make arms deals and improve relations with the West, which contributed to the unraveling of his empire.
    - Michael Beschloss
  • During his last 18 months in office, Eisenhower flew to Asia, Europe, and Latin America and deployed his war hero's popularity to seek new friends for America while trying to improve relations with Moscow. By the time Ike left office, most Americans had forgotten their anger over losing the space race to the Soviets.
    - Michael Beschloss
  • Historians sometimes view presidents very differently from the way the public did at the time. Sometimes they don't.
    - Michael Beschloss
  • Too few presidents have steeped themselves not just in Lincoln's words but his deeds, which is why Obama's acquaintance with the great man is so compelling - especially since, like President-elect Lincoln, Obama will take office at a perilous time.
    - Michael Beschloss