Best quotes by Sydney Pollack on Movies

Checkout quotes by Sydney Pollack on Movies

  • You hope that the responsibility of making movies will fall into the hands of essentially moral people.
    - Sydney Pollack
  • Well, I was born and raised in the Midwest, in Indiana specifically, and my childhood was full of weekend movies, you know, the Saturday and Sunday popcorn movies.
    - Sydney Pollack
  • I didn't grow up thinking of movies as film, or art, but as movies, something to do on a Saturday afternoon.
    - Sydney Pollack
  • Well, the wonderful thing about making movies, oddly enough, is that they're sort of highly motivated graduate studies in one or another field.
    - Sydney Pollack
  • With a movie you're creating from the beginning this particular work, let's not call it work of art, because very few movies are works of art, let's just call them bits of popular culture, whatever they are, sometimes very rarely by accident a movie becomes a work of art.
    - Sydney Pollack
  • Every single art form is involved in film, in a way.
    - Sydney Pollack
  • When you make a film you usually make a film about an idea.
    - Sydney Pollack
  • I mean, movies are like your kids or your fingers and toes or something, it's pretty hard to pick favorites.
    - Sydney Pollack