Best quotes by KSI on YouTube

Checkout quotes by KSI on YouTube

  • They should just open lots of YouTube schools... as well as, like, a games school, where you can play all types of games. Like, if you want to play racing games, you go there and become a pro at that. Same for football or a shoot 'em up.
    - KSI
  • It's pretty cool I'm known for FIFA. If you think of KSI, people instantly think, 'Ah, that FIFA YouTuber.' I didn't think I would be up there as the ambassador of FIFA on YouTube, but I'll take it.
    - KSI
  • When I was, like, 16 or 17, I was just finding out about this YouTube thing. Then I saved a bit and asked my parents for some help to get the recording software and equipment.
    - KSI
  • I had no clue on what I wanted to do when I was younger, so I was pretty lucky with this YouTube thing.
    - KSI
  • I wasn't really into school that much. I was in this building having to cram knowledge I didn't really care for. But on YouTube, I was able to create what I wanted and post it for people to watch.
    - KSI
  • I am trying to make sure that I don't spend on ridiculous things, so that after all this YouTube thing goes, I'm not left there, like, 'Uh oh, I have nothing.'
    - KSI