Best quotes by Jay Weatherill on Will

Checkout quotes by Jay Weatherill on Will

  • I don't think the AAA is an end in itself; we will maintain prudent financial management with or without the AAA.
    - Jay Weatherill
  • We may very well be faced with the choice of retaining the AAA credit rating or abandoning some of our key infrastructure projects, which are about jobs for the future. I will choose jobs in that equation every time.
    - Jay Weatherill
  • Grace Portolesi is a strong, assertive passionate young woman and she is precisely the sort of person I want in my cabinet and she will have a senior role.
    - Jay Weatherill
  • If we wish our state's growth to continue, then our future will increasingly be with industries that require a highly skilled and technically proficient workforce.
    - Jay Weatherill
  • We will also have a more rigorous approach to professional development and managing unsatisfactory performance.
    - Jay Weatherill