Best quotes by Dwyane Wade on Me

Checkout quotes by Dwyane Wade on Me

  • I understand that I'm not perfect. I made mistakes and I had a hand in everything that's happened to me, good and bad.
    - Dwyane Wade
  • Whenever there is a big game and people don't think I can do it, I always play my hardest, and now it has become a part of me.
    - Dwyane Wade
  • My upbringing involves individuals who helped me along the way. I don't think I would be here today without that support.
    - Dwyane Wade
  • I'm on a team with LeBron James and Chris Bosh, and they both dress well. It gets competitive. If I don't bring my A game, they're going to outshine me.
    - Dwyane Wade
  • Wherever you go, things change you. I mean, obviously moving to Miami and becoming part of the NBA has given me a different perspective on style than I had when I lived in Chicago or Milwaukee.
    - Dwyane Wade
  • Fatherhood is the best thing that could happen to me, and I'm just glad I can share my voice.
    - Dwyane Wade
  • The biggest thing, and what I told some of the partners in the summit, was me thanking them for their constant support with everything that I've been through the last couple years on and off the court.
    - Dwyane Wade
  • People don't need to necessarily see me in the jersey to understand who I am and what message I'm trying to get across with the things that I'm marketing.
    - Dwyane Wade
  • I've decided to listen to my doctors and get the procedure I need on my knee. USA Basketball said I had to do what was best for me. They want me to be obviously as healthy as possible so I can continue to play this game at a high level.
    - Dwyane Wade
  • I've played for the Miami Heat my whole career under Pat Riley. Mr. GQ himself. So when I pick out my outfits before a game, I'm already feeling confident. And some of that swagger stays with me when I take the court.
    - Dwyane Wade
  • Yeah, at first people were talking about me. But now everyone is wearing their clothes more fitted.
    - Dwyane Wade