Best quotes by Kelly Sue DeConnick on Women

Checkout quotes by Kelly Sue DeConnick on Women

  • Yes, the Bechdel Test. It's named for Allison Bechdel, who is a comic book creator. The test is, are there two named women in the film? Do they talk to each other? And is it about something other than a man? I actually think the Bechdel Test is a little advanced for us sometimes.
    - Kelly Sue DeConnick
  • The notion that somehow women are wildly different infuriates me.
    - Kelly Sue DeConnick
  • I think women have every right to feel like they're the protagonists in their own stories.
    - Kelly Sue DeConnick
  • I'm not particularly good at page layouts. I make an effort to stay out of the way of the artist. What I'll try to express instead is, 'What we're going for here on this page is the idea of the containment of these women's bodies. So I want them framed as though they're bursting out of the panel borders.'
    - Kelly Sue DeConnick
  • I think women are vital to the future of the superhero comics and the entire industry - as creators, as editors, as consumers, as retailers.
    - Kelly Sue DeConnick
  • I want young women to see my name on 'Avengers Assembled' and to know that there are women who write mainstream superhero comics, and if it is something that interests them, it can be done.
    - Kelly Sue DeConnick
  • I do make some conscious efforts to write female friendships, intergenerational female friendships. I make a conscious effort to include things that I see as important real parts of my life that are not reflected as much as I think they should be in popular culture. We very seldom have the opportunity to see women compete and remain friends.
    - Kelly Sue DeConnick
  • In popular culture, when women compete, it's usually over a man, and it's usually very nasty. And that is just frankly not my experience. That's just some kind of popular mythology, it feels like. I find it insulting.
    - Kelly Sue DeConnick
  • I kind of resent the suggestion that there would be something inherent about superheroes that wouldn't be of interest to women. That makes me nuts. I'm a 5-foot tall woman with a quick temper who always looks like a child, so power fantasies are not strange to me.
    - Kelly Sue DeConnick