Best quotes by Marc Randolph on People

Checkout quotes by Marc Randolph on People

  • Negotiation is empathy. It's almost trite to say that if you can't put yourself in the seat of the other person you're speaking with, you're not going to do well. It's not about being a bully, not about making offers people can't refuse.
    - Marc Randolph
  • As Looker got larger, the talented people we hired started to see things that we couldn't. And what had looked like a company the three of us could run out of our houses for a few hours a day became something bigger. Much bigger.
    - Marc Randolph
  • Some of my fondest memories of the early years of Netflix have to do with our efforts to figure out the most efficient, effective, and fast methods to get DVDs to people all over the country.
    - Marc Randolph
  • As software began to be sold to people who would never consider themselves technical, it suddenly became clear that you needed people who spoke their language.
    - Marc Randolph
  • Diversity is not a skin thing, necessarily. Diversity is you have people around the table who have different backgrounds and different experiences and think differently.
    - Marc Randolph
  • People imagine that Netflix sprang fully formed into a global streaming giant, but Netflix might have been personalised sporting goods - or customised shampoo - or even pet food, since these were all ideas that I pitched Reed Hastings in those first months.
    - Marc Randolph
  • Like most people in 1997, I hadn't ever even seen a DVD, much less watched one.
    - Marc Randolph