Best quotes by John Lithgow on People

Checkout quotes by John Lithgow on People

  • Take care, be kind, be considerate of other people and other species, and be loving.
    - John Lithgow
  • We all have our secrets, and we all have our deceptions. Acting, at its best, is all about deceiving people, and this makes it all the more interesting to us.
    - John Lithgow
  • In TV and movies, you get known for a certain thing, and that's what's expected. Onstage, people are more open to whatever character you create from one play to the next.
    - John Lithgow
  • I'm a con artist in that I'm an actor. I make people believe something is real when they know perfectly well it isn't.
    - John Lithgow
  • The essence of comedy, drama, and horror is surprise. I have an uncanny ability to surprise people because they look at my face, and they don't know where I'm going.
    - John Lithgow
  • As an actor ages north of 60, he tends to be in more father roles than anything else. It's generational. And it tends to be a relationship that fascinates people, the flawed relationships between parents and kids.
    - John Lithgow
  • Actors are not necessarily smart people.
    - John Lithgow
  • If I don't enjoy it, there's something seriously wrong. There's a reason why they call it playing, what we do. It's ecstatic fun, and I overdo it - I mean, I can't seem to stop - people ask me to act, and I say yes.
    - John Lithgow