Best quotes by Kathy Szeliga on People

Checkout quotes by Kathy Szeliga on People

  • I just don't think we're going to change Washington until we put some people down there who look like average Marylanders.
    - Kathy Szeliga
  • People are unwilling to enforce the laws on the books. Instead, they make more laws. Why can't we get this right?
    - Kathy Szeliga
  • I can tell you what women love, and that's when people man-splain things to us about what women want and need.
    - Kathy Szeliga
  • That's probably the best part of holding office is being able to solve problems and really help people who feel like no one cares about them.
    - Kathy Szeliga
  • What hinders the middle class the most is taxes, and what hinders business from creating jobs and moving people into the middle class are regulations.
    - Kathy Szeliga
  • I can tell you what people on minimum wage want: They want a career. They don't want a minimum wage.
    - Kathy Szeliga