Best quotes by Finn Wolfhard on Music

Checkout quotes by Finn Wolfhard on Music

  • I love retro culture. I love retro games; I love retro music.
    - Finn Wolfhard
  • For me, I need to listen to music in the morning, and after, it's kind of like a shower, you know what I mean? It's kind of getting rid of everything. I always play music after I act. It's not a conscious thing, like, 'Oh finally, I need to do this,' it's kind of a constant need.
    - Finn Wolfhard
  • I have lots of friends who are musicians and it is such a huge victory to survive in music, period - but if you get sick or injured and don't have the kind of coverage we get in Canada, you are doomed.
    - Finn Wolfhard
  • Obviously 'Stranger Things' has given me the launching pad to have creative license for whatever I want, and I love doing the show, but when it comes to music, I want to distance myself as much as possible.
    - Finn Wolfhard
  • I love '80s and '90s music.
    - Finn Wolfhard
  • Most of the fans of Calpurnia are 'Stranger Things' fans, which is not a big deal at all. They're super loyal and incredible, and really do like the music. It's the people who aren't fans of the music and are just there because of 'Stranger Things' that really bother me.
    - Finn Wolfhard
  • My favorite thing is to have collectives. Even when it comes to filmmaking as well, filmmaking and music and most art in general, I feel like everyone should have the same say. If you're in a collective, I feel like everyone should have the same say.
    - Finn Wolfhard
  • Some bands I'm obsessed with but I get sick of listening to their music after a while, but that hasn't happened with Twin Peaks.
    - Finn Wolfhard
  • PUP introduced me to so much more amazing music. They really shaped my sound.
    - Finn Wolfhard